Here at Wholesale Bag Factory, we specialize in manufacturing different types of cotton and polyester bags. Our bag consists; cotton tote bags, drawstring bags, mesh bags, grocery bags, zipper pouches, shoulder bags, yoga bags, and more... We can also manufacture bags from scratch if you share your design with us.

Our order process is standard and very easy. If you need something basic, we most likely have an example of it in our stock from previous works. We can send you a sample with DHL for you to see the quality of the finished product. Or if you are looking for something custom, you can always are a custom sample of the bag you need. Then we kindly request that you pay a sample fee and once you pay the sample fee we start working on your order and finalize the sample manufacturing process within 2 weeks. Once you receive the sample, if you like what you see, then you can place your actual wholesale bulk order of custom cotton bags. On another note, if you like the sample and would like then sample and would like to place an order, then we refund you the sample fee. We credit it towards your final bill and deduct it from the order total. Sample fees are payable via PayPal.

As per private label and white label branding, during the design process, we kindly ask that you share the design of your label or your artwork that we go on the bag, we manufacture the labels and sew the labels on the bags according to your instructions. There are many examples of this kind of work that we did in the past, you can view our previous works on our website. We can also help you with the packaging too if you need packaging for your items.
So if you are looking for a reliable manufacturer for your future orders, we can help you bring your designs to life. We can help you with manufacturing cotton tote bags, drawstring bags, mesh bags, grocery bags, zipper pouches, shoulder bags, yoga bags, and more! Please send us an email or fill out the get a quote section on our website and someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible.